Module stereoFx

Use this module to create a stereo effect.

Example at classic-filter.lua.

This module acts as a layer that conceals the plugin.processBlock function, manages stereo channels, and exposes the stereoFx.Channel prototype for you define per-channel audio processing. Initialize it by calling stereoFx.init .

The stereoFx global is available to every protoplug script after including the main protoplug header :

require "include/protoplug"


stereoFx.init () Set up channels.

Class stereoFx.Channel

stereoFx.Channel:processBlock (samples, smax) Override to process a channel's audio block.
stereoFx.Channel:init () Override to handle initialisation.


stereoFx.init ()
Set up channels. This function must be called by any script that wishes to use this module.

Class stereoFx.Channel

This class represents a channel (ie. left or right).

stereoFx.Channel:processBlock (samples, smax)
Override to process a channel's audio block. Define the audio processing of a single channel in this function.


  • samples a C float* serving as input and output
  • smax the maximum sample index (nSamples - 1)
stereoFx.Channel:init ()
Override to handle initialisation. Override this method to perform initialisation tasks on each channel, for example to create any per-channel fields.
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